starting over.
the boy inspired me to get back into writing on this. this is a lot different the second time around. the first time i took hours on a banner and a layout and music and making this perfect. i am not perfect nor will my blog be. i do realize it needs some type of aesthetic appeal however. a banner shall come in a few days. it's red and black, and white, three colors that are clearly my favorites. also i suppose i should reveal the content of it, i do like to do what i call "rants" just little thoughts that pop into my head late at night or after too much junk food. i'm a rather inquisitive girl so i ask a lot of questions feel free to enlighten me. i do think however it will lean more towards pictures and editorial content with little blurbs scattered about. i used to have a tumblr but i prefer the privacy of a blog for whatever reason. oh and i am twenty now i have been for awhile. i'm a journalism major at the university of alabama birmingham. i am considering switching my major though. i have a tug of war in my brain about it a lot. i have a slight shoe obsession and i'm a tad crass. once again my apologies if i come off as offensive. i technically am, but i can't help it.
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