April fools.
It's April fool's day, not that I care that much. It seems the luster of holidays changes the older you get. It means that days like April fool's day are no longer cool. Instead days like St. Patrick's Day seem to be more fun, as I am nearing the age where I can drink legally, and it seems that's what you do on St. Patty's day. The same goes for Mardi Gras and New Years, and also with New Years because at seven and ten years old who wants to kiss a boy? But at nineteen, almost twenty in five days the idea of slapping a big wet one on the boy at midnight is all romantic and nice sounding. Ew, who am I? Then you have foolproof holiday's which are cool as a kid, and as an adult. Like Halloween where I'll still dress up only now I can finally be a french maid or a cute little cheerleader without my mom wondering about pedophiles. I want to start going all out for Halloween or hosting an annual party like Heidi and Seal. Christmas will always be Christmas so that doesn't change very much and neither does Thanksgiving though now I can eat with the adults and scrap on all the kid stuff. Easter is another one that's lost its luster. I don't get easter basket full of candy and toys anymore though I am trying to talk the boy into getting me one, I just want the candy. He'll probably play with the toys. Then there's Valentine's Day which has also kind of stayed the same. In school we exchanged Valentines but only because they almost always came with candy. Now I exchange Valentine's with the boy and he always brings me candy. Then there are stranger holiday's which I used to celebrate in school like Arbor Day and Memorial Day where we'd plant trees and make cards to send to veteran's homes. Then there are holiday's which don't hold meaning to me now (e.g. mother's day) but maybe will become important as I get older and have kids. Ah, it is nostaligic indeed. Maybe I'll find some fun fashion editorials with mischief making models to celebrate. Or maybe I'll make a fart noise when my mom tries to sit down. I know I said I didn't care but sometimes the kid in me wins over my adult self.
Later Lovies,
Later Lovies,
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