be inspired.

“Don’t regret the things you did, regret the things you didn’t do when you had the chance.”
—     Unknown

I don't think I'm good at anything. I still have no idea what I'm here for. I'm so nervous I'll never be successful at anything, my paranoia is taking me over in the form of panic-attacks. I'm afraid I'll never figure myself out. I'm afraid I'll miss my destiny, and feel confused and afraid for the rest of my life.-Anonymous

“You’re never prepared for the moment that changes your life.”
—     Unknown

“Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who changes your life. Unintentionally. You two just happened to meet, but ever since then your life has turned upside down and inside out. Don’t worry, it’s supposed to happen.”
—     Unknown

“The most important thing in life it to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will.”
Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.”
—     David Copperfield

“Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you need is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
—     Oprah Winfrey

Insomnia is my new best friend as well as an enemy. She plays my memories like a film to keep me from my sleep. The horrors of my life unfold as I sit here in the dark. Look at all the sorrow that I’ve felt and all the anger that I should have delt. The fear, the pain, and insecurity that drives me near the edge. Something deep inside of me that cannot make amends. My stomach clenches, my heart beats fast, and tears well in my eyes. Why won’t it stop? Why can’t I rest? Let me sleep and dream tonight so I can find some peace. But morning will come soon and these thoughts will
never cease.
— Amanda McCallum

Some people wait for a miracle to start living their lives happily. Others, use that time and create the miracle themselves.
— Philippos

Be loved but never love. Attach but never combine. Trip but never fall. To be broken is better than shattered. Tell him of your strength but never of your past. Be trustworthy but never trust. Be cracked but never open.
— Unknown

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.”

“The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets again after the hell is over.”
—     Ernest Hemingway

bohemian rhapsody.



i'm just a poor boy i need no sympathy.

from now on we are enemies.



lunatic of a god or a god of a lunatic?


the last airbender that is. although i'm looking forward to james cameron's movie too, i'm probably excited for the live action feature of this show more. i love the concept, i've always been a girl of the elements. i like the idea of separating yourself into the different ones. i myself would fire, hard to control, always stubborn, and yet sometimes weak but comforting. my boy is a self proclaimed ice/water guy. maybe that's why we get along so well we manage to bring out the qualities in each other. my favorite characters in the show would have to be zuko, and aang of course. and i have some weird fascination with azula. i like the crazy people. i also like the villains. i'm a complicated woman. but i love this cartoon its one of my fandom's i guess you could say. i find myself watching the series finale episode again. i need to get it on dvd or something. enough of my rambling's though.

arrested development.


just started watching this show on hulu. pretty sure its michael cera related. i haven't seen this level of awkward cuteness since MJ.

just a bunch of nonsense. but its pretty.

(tfs, tumblr)




too much christmas spirit?

its holiday season, and whilst i love my holidays halloween and christmas being my favorites. i am quite, quite worried about the turn that christmas has taken. i was browsing around my guide for my television and happened upon abc family, which usually has bad tv series and old tv shows i watch on occasion. i was immediately excited when i saw richie rich's christmas wish. i love richie rich, because well he was rich and he had so many cool toys and gadgets because of it. what i wouldn't give to have his closet. step right in push a few buttons and its gotten you dressed for the day. but as it went to commercial break i noticed that the movie was part of abc's annual 25 days of christmas. a programming block that airs usually in the evening that shows all the classic christmas movies and modern ones alike. except well christmas isn't until december and we haven't even had thanksgiving. i mean is there nothing for people to be thankful about anymore? i drive around and see christmas decorations everywhere. and then a christmas carol came out in theaters this month not the next. i'm all for christmas spirit. but all the research i've done about it tends to lean toward it being a recession and wanting to get people to buy things. but when i hear the term recession i can't be sure how seriously i take it. the word is tossed around so lightly and i feel its an excuse. how long will i be forced to celebrate christmas? i saw decorations going up in october? next thing you know christmas is coming in march. i know it has something to do with marketing. i know that this is the industry's way of making sure that people don't forget they have money to spend and things to buy but i don't think i can handle two whole months of christmas. i am nowhere near a scrooge but must i endure the same songs, movies, and garland for the sake of marketing? i as a consumer if anything am annoyed far from wanting to shop. if anything i'm reminded that i must begin the task of christmas shopping before the first snow has barely touched the ground. i don't want t forget thanksgiving, and yet it seems i ave no choice. everyone is moving forward, and here i am still wondering about turkey and family stories. i just wanted to give each holiday what it deserves. is that asking too much?

first outfit post.

cardigan; wet seal, thermal; gap leggings; old navy boots; thrifted

well this is my first outfit post. i guess a few words should be nice. i probably won't do this very often until i can get a better camera. the Canon i had was broken by my boy, so i shall be getting a new one come christmas from him. i don't think my style is epic. i don't think it is anything mind blowing or even worthy of getting excited about. it is my style however. and its what makes me comfortable and me. sometimes i get radical, a lot of the times i keep it minimal and i care a whole lot more about shoes than i do clothes. i'm not trying to wow anybody or be popular or anything of the sort really. i just like to have a place to keep a collection of pictures i like. i would like to document my style to see how it changes. i like to keep my thoughts somewhere and i want to become a better writer. i promise i actually am semi okay at writing, i used to do a lot of it over on my tumblr, but i really wanted something more personal and i got tired of pictures being stolen, not credited or my thoughts being reblogged or even not credited as my own. it made me grouchy and angry and i decided to come back to my blogspot which mind you i've had since june of 2006. but when i go long periods of time without blogging, i delete my entries because i like the feeling of starting anew. don't let that deter you though. i am simply being honest, and letting you know my intentions are selfish in that aspect. i hope i can inspire or at least say some form of wisdom you find worthy of reading. i can't say if you'll like anything i have to offer but i can say i love fashion. i love the cut of a dress, the way a pair of shoes can make an outfit, and how a neon bracelet or clutch can turn even the plainest thing into something worth giving a second look. with that said i hope you like it. and don't eat me alive. and excuse my puppy i swear he's not demonic its just the flash.

keep it simple.

(mr. newton)
i love the simplicity of this outfit. the boots, the bright red cardigan adding a pop of color. the starched collar shirt. and skin tight jeans to top it all off. i'm such a sucker for preppy looks and even more so for minimalistic outfits. i love basics. i like to keep things simple and i like when they can make a great outfit even more. i keep my own style about the same, although i like to layer a lot more. i'll post a picture of my own style soon.

i'd look ridiculous as a red head.

(sources: tfs, tumblr)

i promise you that if i dyed my hair any of these colors i would look awful. it just wouldn't work on me. i wish it would. but it won't. i just love how it looks though. i like my gingers. they exude a sort of uniqueness that makes being blonde or brunette so dull. blonde's may have more fun but redheads will always be the best to me.

want your bad romance.




i plead no contest to the fact that once upon a time i was on the twilight bandwagon. yes i know you should shoot me. though i was on it long before the adorable robert pattison and awkward kristen stewart were aboard the vampire train. i've always been into vampiric culture. i've got a thing for sexy and sultry, and i once had a boy toy who donned fangs and now i can't shake it i suppose. moving along, i read the books and i fell in love, with edward. like every other girl. i was away at college at this time. much further away from my current boy than i would've liked but we had just gotten together and while i loved him. he had several months on me love wise. he loved me first. i was eighteen away at college and could barely figure out whether it was love or some powerful infatuation. i was very much under the impression that i didn't fall in love. so i admit i found edward fun. i'm not sure when i got off the bandwagon. i have to assume it was when the story got weird. [spoilers ahead maybe] perhaps when edward demanded bella to stay away from jacob or when he was just too good to be true. i do know that i realized i had my own love though. he was no edward, but i've always been perfectly okay with that. i still love him. he's sweet, and kind and caring and thats what matters. he could stand to be a bit more romantic and not call it "mushy" but thats okay too. he gets a boy pass. i apologize if i keep straying to the topic of love i'm not sure why its on my mind so much lately. it is almost scary.


(refinery 29)

so young, and so adorable. hope it stays that way and she does great things.

chuck bass.

ed westwick is hot. and i want serena's tights.



i'm incredibly tired these days. which is almost nothing new. but its a different kind of tired. i'm exhausted and i've lost my appetite. which wasn't much of one to begin with. no i promise i'm not anorexic. i'm just crazily tired and i want to nap a lot and not come out of my room. i am not sure what this means because i don't do much besides school. and i'm too afraid to tell anyone because while it bothers me i don't think anyone else would be worried. i don't know its probably nothing. just need to get some sleep.



i love shoes. who doesn't? a quick note, a lot of pictures i find i put them in generalized folders, such as tumblr or tfs, or flickr. i would love to keep track of who did what but thats hard even for the most hardcore creditor. so if you stumble across a picture that happens to be yours please don't hesitate to tell me. i'll remove it or credit it or whatever you like. i never claim any pictures as my own unless stated otherwise. these are just things i more often than not find beautiful.