too much christmas spirit?

its holiday season, and whilst i love my holidays halloween and christmas being my favorites. i am quite, quite worried about the turn that christmas has taken. i was browsing around my guide for my television and happened upon abc family, which usually has bad tv series and old tv shows i watch on occasion. i was immediately excited when i saw richie rich's christmas wish. i love richie rich, because well he was rich and he had so many cool toys and gadgets because of it. what i wouldn't give to have his closet. step right in push a few buttons and its gotten you dressed for the day. but as it went to commercial break i noticed that the movie was part of abc's annual 25 days of christmas. a programming block that airs usually in the evening that shows all the classic christmas movies and modern ones alike. except well christmas isn't until december and we haven't even had thanksgiving. i mean is there nothing for people to be thankful about anymore? i drive around and see christmas decorations everywhere. and then a christmas carol came out in theaters this month not the next. i'm all for christmas spirit. but all the research i've done about it tends to lean toward it being a recession and wanting to get people to buy things. but when i hear the term recession i can't be sure how seriously i take it. the word is tossed around so lightly and i feel its an excuse. how long will i be forced to celebrate christmas? i saw decorations going up in october? next thing you know christmas is coming in march. i know it has something to do with marketing. i know that this is the industry's way of making sure that people don't forget they have money to spend and things to buy but i don't think i can handle two whole months of christmas. i am nowhere near a scrooge but must i endure the same songs, movies, and garland for the sake of marketing? i as a consumer if anything am annoyed far from wanting to shop. if anything i'm reminded that i must begin the task of christmas shopping before the first snow has barely touched the ground. i don't want t forget thanksgiving, and yet it seems i ave no choice. everyone is moving forward, and here i am still wondering about turkey and family stories. i just wanted to give each holiday what it deserves. is that asking too much?


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