come what may.

I love to watch this movie it makes me cry. It hits closer to home than I realize I guess. This must be important to me, not that everything else I type isn't because it is, but this must be special. I say this because I'm typing and capitalizing. If you've ever noticed I dislike to capitalize anything. I'm thinking about love right now though. I'm not even sure I know exactly what love is. I know I love people but could I put a definition on it. I don't think I could. I've been thinking a lot about unconditional love. About loving a person no matter what. I always have to ask myself how far is too far? How much could you love a person? What if they harmed you? Or made you cry? Would you love them then? How much should you truly love a person? Are you required to love your family? Should you love someone even if you know in your mind you shouldn't? Could you love a murderer? Or a bank robber? Could you love someone who didn't support your dreams or you? Its hard to know where to draw the lines. What if you love someone but you aren't happy with them? Do you stay or do you go? Could love and happiness not exist in the same relationship? I'm asking a lot of questions but its how my brain works. Its how I learn. I suppose it all comes down to what you think you deserve. I feel I deserve what I give. I do tend to love someone with everything I have. It'd be hard to ask someone to do the same. I do know that there is someone out there though. Someone who can give me all that they have to give, just as I would give them. Could I go searching for them? I don't think I could. I am in love and this stops me. It stops me every single time. I've only just managed to make my first step in breaking away from the stronghold this love has on me. Not because I don't want it, I do. It just can't rule me, every aspect of my life. I may not have a definition of what love is but I know it isn't that. A consuming love and an obsessive love are two very different things. I am not perfect but I do know my love has to change.
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